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Being a newbie at anything is hard. The learning curve can feel steep. We go through a host of emotions. And we make a lot of mistakes. As a new manager, you are probably experiencing some of what I mentioned above. We all do. It’s part of the learning process. That said, it doesn’t mean […]
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Does your team trust you? You know one of the most asked questions that I get week after week is around trust. “Mak, I’m not sure how to earn the trust of my peers and have them listen to me” “Mak, how do I keep my employees engaged and gain their trust” Maybe you have […]
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Updated – May 26th, 2023 Being a first-time manager is a challenging task. It requires you to develop or strengthen your skill set, have a deep understanding of human relationships, and have the ability to juggle multiple responsibilities. But, despite many people checking all the boxes, they still fail in their roles as first-time managers. […]
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I swear I thought I was a coach for new managers?! So tell me why, as I was browsing through Audible the other day, one of the books recommended to me was: What to expect while you’re expecting? I’m not sure why the algorithm suggested this book to me … but it did and it gave […]
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Updated October 24th 2024 Congratulations! Your bosses just promoted you to manager, which means you’ll have new responsibilities, challenges, and exciting opportunities heading your way. As a first-time manager, you must start on the right foot and gather all the essential tools for your new position. To help you navigate this transition smoothly, I have prepared […]
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In today’s blog post I want to talk about something that has been bugging me for some time and I’m just going to get straight to it. Yes, you can be an introvert and a great manager!There is this false belief going around – and I’m hearing it more and more in my sessions – […]
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So have you ever been in a situation where your boss says something or asks your team to do something that you are not totally aligned with, but you have NO IDEA how to disagree with your boss or voice your opinion without causing a stir? It’s very awkward, isn’t it? Disagreeing with someone that […]
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So if I were to ask you – what’s your reputation at work? What would you say? Actually better yet, what would your colleagues say about you? Would they say that you are quiet? Would they say that you are opinionated? Reliable? Shy? Are you the data person that everyone can go to if they […]
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Decisions, decisions! Decisions are a big part of life, yet they are not always easy. As you probably already know, as manager, a vital skill that you must have locked down is your ability to make good decisions. No pressure right? The good news is that making good decisions is a method that you can […]
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As a new manager, you must understand how and why you should be showing your team appreciation. Everybody has a desire to feel seen and heard, and if you can fulfil this need by showing some appreciation, your team will feel happier in their roles and want to continue achieving outstanding results. There are so […]