Here are some amazing success stories from The New Manager Accelerator Students who put in the time, effort and work to create their success. 

They did it. And so can you.


Start making an impact

Your success story could be next!

See how thought leader and Built To Impact CEO, Maya Elious created a high-performing team to support her 7-figure growing business.

"NMA helped me create a high performing team"

Watch as Cierra explains how she was able to fulfill a long time dream of hers to open up a second coffee shop location by completely turning around her team dynamics and creating a strong team culture.

"Now I've got a dynamic team culture"

Watch as Juliette talks about the tools that she leveraged in order to create a healthy team dynamic! She'll also talk about how she was able to help an underperforming team member become an outstanding team member through the guidance and direction provided in the program.

"A cheat code to healthy management!"

Watch as Natalye an introverted new manager explains how she went from almost giving up to exceeding expectations at her end of year performance review and becoming the go-to leadership expert with her boss AND fellow managers. A must watch for any manager who is introverted and on the verge of throwing in the towel.

"I have a lot more confidence in myself"

Watch as Katrina explains how she went from feeling under-confident as she made the shift from peer to manager to ultimately getting a bonus at the end of the year and developing trusting healthy relationships with team members. A must watch for any manager who feels on shaky grounds.

"For the first time in my career I got a bonus!"

"Thanks to Mak's framework, I can confidently navigate challenging conversations!"

Watch as Nilisa explains how she was struggling with wanting to be liked to confidently navigating accountability conversations. 

"I have all the tools and resources I need to lead my team to successful outcomes."

Watch as Tiara explains how she took a proactive approach to getting trained as a leader and how this has helped her to feel confident going into her role as a first time manager. 

"I achieved 10 out of my 12 goals."

Watch as Jeff explains how the The New Manager Accelerator not only helped him to become more effective as a people manager but also helped him to achieve the majority of his goals!

Before NMA I lacked direction and guidance for managing a newly remote team. At first I resisted making the investment as I saw a lot of (free) resources online. Also, I wanted things that were tangible and applicable, not just theory or catchphrases. I had come to realize that, just like hiring a trainer at the gym, if you want real results, you hire an expert, and Mak is just that.

She has lived through being a new manager and trained managers in her career. She is an expert in her craft and provided so much wisdom and insight alongside application and accountability. Now, I feel consistently confident in the decisions that I make for my team and how we operate. This year, I have hired additional staff and exceeded our yearly goals!! Bigger for me though has been knowing my worth in speaking with my superiors and having the confidence to advocate for my team.

"Signing up for NMA is the best thing I have done for myself and my career."



I don’t question if I should be in this position or if I am falling behind others or what people think of me so much because I can clearly see the results that I am doing well. That I am producing better results and I feel on top of things and make calculated decisions to help those around me. If you ever searched for the answers on how to lead a team, how to be a better manager, how to produce results, how to have a difficult conversation, how to engage employees, then this program is for you. Say goodbye to vague articles or blog posts and you’ll find action items, clear steps and rationale for what you will be doing and it will cover each aspect of things needed to lead a team of people, things I didn’t even think of but totally needed.

I feel much more confident in so many areas of my role.

I was being too lenient, not producing results and not having great trust without the team. I knew I needed help when problems began to snowball and I was putting out fires that I knew could have been prevented if I knew what to do.

"Before working with Mak, I felt like I wasn’t helping my team reach their full potential and was just coasting along."

Before working with Mak I had a very poor example of how a manager manages. I was paralyzed because of the example set before me, and knew that wasn't the right answer to be an effective leader.

At first I was hesitant to take NMA due to the time commitment. But within the first week of joining, I had to have a serious conversation with a team member and I had no prior language with how to approach it.

I was nervous and I brought this issue to the sessions with Mak. Sitting down in a 10-minute role-play scenario hearing Mak coach me through what to say equipped me!

NMA has given me what I need to build trust with those I manage and the language to have impactful conversations to develop the employee while getting the results needed for the betterment of the company. So if you're thinking of joining... Do it! You're exploring this as an option because you know you want and need to feel equipped. 

I feel much more confident in so many areas of my role.

"Mak coached me through what to say that equipped me for a difficult conversation!"

jared p
Marketing manager

At the start of my journey I was struggling with leading a new team during company transformation and changes in the team’s value proposition.

After completing NMA and the framework/ tools from the program , I feel much more confident about how to approach the team in a structured and consistent manner. I also identified some areas I needed to improve on in order to bring the team along.

I would strongly recommend new managers or existing managers to explore NMA. As a new manager in a multinational company, even I had management experience in my past career, I found the leadership principles are evolving and this program is state of art that provides framework and tools that are intuitive, easy to follow and practical with most of current industry needs. Mak created such a great enhancement and connection in my cohort, I felt a very safe space to share, learn and coach each other to be a better leader.

“This program is state of the art that provides frameworks and tools that are intuitive and practical.”

Maggie X
Chapter Lead, Biotechnology 

“Get off the fence and in the game.... The worst thing that can happen is you only gravitate to ONE portion of the course. Either way you are guaranteed to end the course with a moment of "wow that way works so much better!"”

My biggest struggle was always wanting to be seen as a "peer" across all levels of responsibility in my agency. That state of mind was short lived as my position changed, and I had to come face to face with having to make some changes.  But going through the program helped me to shift perspectives on MYSELF. 

The program's "real-time" engagement is what I loved most. Being able to be put in the scenarios, act them out, then discuss the outcomes altogether. Being able to collectively solve problems and watch as everyone's minds opened up to new perspectives was really dope!

Mak is passionate about her work and wanting to see others succeed and it shows, it is also contagious in the ways the group support one another on the calls!

Samm W, Data & Property Manager

- Sandra, Call Center Manager

When I found The New Manager Accelerator I had recently been promoted to a manager role in a call center. I was struggling a lot particularly with my team. I was getting daily feedback that I was unapproachable, and unsure in my answers to them. I felt like I was doing a terrible job and was considering quitting before I stumbled across your resources! 

I have learned so much since taking this program. I feel a lot more confident in myself as a manager. The program has helped me to become a more effective communicator across the board. I’ve also been able to develop better relationships with my team, think more strategically and as a result, I have seen a tremendous difference in the way we work together and this has helped us improve our customer relations.

"I used to always feel like the bad guy."


Mak was the exact person we needed at the time, as she helped us see that everything is top down. If we wanted great team members, we needed to be great managers. Now thanks to the program our team can confidently move forward knowing we have the tools we need to be the best managers we can be.

Join the program! You won't regret it. Mak is instrumental to any team who is learning to lead their team members well. She is extremely knowledgeable and breaks the information down in ways everyone can understand. She is patient, kind, and an excellent communicator. You will be thankful you joined.

Our CEO, knew that since we were all becoming new managers, we needed Mak to give us the tools we needed to be great managers to the team members we are leading. 


I always had a wrong understanding of a manager's personality traits. I thought that to be a successful leader, I have to be tough and assertive, and that's the only way to make my supervisers work to their best capacity. Internally, I always disagreed with that understanding. And so when I first became a manager I felt I became too soft and therefore not very successful. After NMA it felt like a puzzle finally came together and I was able to be a strong leader, partner with my employees and get results at the same time. 

"Rest assured you will receive twice above your bravest expectations from Mak, enjoy this amazing journey and have fun!!"

- Wafaa S, Team Lead

My experience with the New Manager Accelerator Program was amazing! I loved Mak and she has taught me so much valuable information and given me such great career advice. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and the knowledge I have gained. As a result of the program, I feel more comfortable and ready for the next chapter. Thank you Mak for being honest with me and for all the help you provided me. 

“As a result of the program, I feel more comfortable and ready for the next chapter.”

Wondering what it takes to go from feeling unconfident, overwhelmed and impostery to confident, calm and excited to show up at work each day? I created this microcast to break it all down for you - We'll explore how to delegate with confidence, navigate those tricky conversations (even for introverts!), and finally stop relying on Google to do your job.

How to Become an Effective Leader So You Can Build a High Performance Team


Want to read more candid feedback and experiences from within the Accelerator? Here are some live conversations with NMA students:


Lead with Confidence & Clarity!


Throughout my career working in startups, there is usually a ton of chaos and no proper team training or intentional development of company culture. After the workshop, the team had a renewed sense of energy and a clear understanding of the company and our roles within it. If you are a small business owner with a growing team, The New Manager Accelerator is exactly what you need to develop a culture that your employees can thrive in. If you recently became a manager and want to learn how to be a leader and get your team to produce necessary outcomes, the program is also for you. You'll have every single template and resource you need to hit the ground running as you start to manage people and KPIs.

"Working with Makeda brought structure to a fast-growing company and new team."


It's real, hands on and engaging. I'm usually the listener in a group and found myself instantly comfortable speaking up. Taking an active role in group training I found it easy to connect with other new managers and expand my network. I gained confidence as I explored practical ways to improve my mindset, implement more intentional conversation, and navigate my company's rapidly changing organizational structure amidst a global pandemic. If you are looking for an opportunity to start your role on solid ground, here it is.

This program stands out because it's so much more than a "how to" presentation stuffed full of philosophy. 

If you are someone who cares about creating a lasting positive influence on the people who you lead, you know it's vital to invest in yourself - especially if you need to encourage growth in your organization.

"New managers, take note! If you are looking for clarity in how to excel in your new role and want to move forward and upward in your career, enroll in Makeda's The New Manager Accelerator Program."

Helena R
Senior Operations Manager

Learning as a group became one of my favorite parts of the course. Every manager in the cohort was such a gift to share experiences with.

Now, I know I am a capable, compassionate and dedicated manager and developing people is where I thrive. I don't avoid conflict and I encourage feedback from all team members on all levels. It's helped the team to know that their opinions are valued and they can be heard.

If you're watching the videos and reading the comments you're searching for solutions. Mak won't give you the answers, she hands you the map and the compass to guide you to find your own management style that works with the individual characters in your team. As a bonus, you meet some awesome people on the way.

Every class with NMA was so valuable, I rarely missed one. 

Before working with Mak I spent much of my day second guessing my decisions and questioning my approaches. I struggled massively with imposter syndrome and my natural introvert appeared as lack of confidence which my team picked up on.  

“I know there's no such thing as "difficult conversations," they're just conversations and with Mak's processes, they are never scary.”

Pamela T
Clinical Informaticist Manager

Before working with Mak I was panicking as I would be transitioning from peer to manager on a team I have been a part of for several years. Not only was this the first opportunity as a manager, so the “unknown” of what the role really entailed was present, but the fear of my peers not accepting the transition cause the panic. 

The NMA program not only helped boost my confidence, but I can honestly say it has improved the way I interact and think about next steps, the possible downstream effects and outcomes of certain situations. I have achieved a smooth transition from peer to manager, have learned to look at sensitive matters in an objective manner, so that the outcome of decisions not only benefit the organization but the team and individual members also. I still have a lot of growing to do, but without this program I am sure I would be behind the learning curve. 

The program is truly a collaboration with your coach(Mak) and your peers. Yes, Mak will help you through anything and give you answers, but at the end of the day we cannot take Mak with us to work or stay in the program forever. Do the work, participate and you will not regret it!


Our leadership team was primarily consistent of first time managers and directors that had transitioned from direct line staff to management. They needed to learn how to be effective managers and how to work together as a team to accomplish the goals of the organization. The training sessions Mak held opened up conversations and helped the team get to the root of challenges and provided clear steps they could take in improving their skills and build trust with one another. I learned so much about my leadership team and where we needed to invest additional energy. I watched members of the leadership team really blossom through this training and those who could not comply, left the organization during this process. Showing your team that you are willing to invest in them builds trust and loyalty that cannot be accomplished any other way!

"Mak's leadership training is a valuable tool to create a leadership team that can handle the challenges of running an organization."


Due to this and other factors (being in fire-fighting mode) I was not able to lean on upper management to provide me with the training to be effective. But I knew I wanted and needed to be skilled as I work in a trillion dollar industry in a software performance testing role and was expected to manage a team across two continents! I had watched a few of Mak's videos on YouTube and found the principles she shared very helpful and she had a great energy vibe. So when she opened up NMA it made sense for me to enroll.

After taking the program I feel confident. I know how to delegate properly, manage my time and see how it impacts other tasks. I am able to better communicate with my team and upper management. More than that, I'm able to anticipate issues and as a result I am better equipped to provide what upper management requires in a shorter frame of time because my team is up to speed with the operations. I've even added on new team members who are performing at the levels they need to be! If you are considering joining the program, go for it! It's definitely worth the investment and you will learn a lot. It's a blast at the group meetings and there's lots of great discussions. As a side note, I suggest holding on to all the materials she provides as you will want to re-read and revisit it when you need some guidance.

"I was promoted to manager after my boss was let go and found myself in a mess knowing I lacked the skills."

- kelly B, executive director

Her approach to organizational development is a breath of fresh air. It is rare to find a leader who is equally skilled in performance metrics and developing people. After working with Mak, our team has an assortment of grounding documents, management tools, and a staff (at every level) who understands how they are part of the way forward. The real genius in her work is not simply the tools (although they have been transformative for our team), but how she helps you contextualize the tools for your organization. Our team trusts Mak - and that has made a way for significant professional development and provided our Executive Leadership Team much needed breathing room.

"Mak's solutions are practical, holistic, and robust. She is skilled in empowering managers to lead well." 

-Jason, J, Manager 

I cannot recommend NMA highly enough! Mak has a deep passion for helping new managers and gives them the tools they can really use to address the very real, but very common situations and challenges that all new managers face. I can no longer imagine operating as a leader without Mak's wonderful advice and tools. Take NMA - you will not regret it!

“I was given the tools to address very real, but very common situations and challenges.”

- Lucy F,
VP of Housing and Program Services

"With 30 years of “supervisory”experience, I attended Impact Leadership training to support my program managers and directors in their journey of becoming good leaders. What I didn’t know is I was in for a rude awakening! Participating in Makeda’s training showed me that I was supervising people all of these years but not really leading them. Leading is not just receiving updates, occasional uplifts, and offering support. Leading is taking a journey with a team member and developing a trusting relationship that results in that team member feeling empowered and supported to be effective in their work while giving that same energy to their team. I highly recommend this training for anyone who has a goal of being a better leader!"

"I highly recommend this training for anyone who has a goal of being a better leader!"

Take the next step

Become the Leader Your Team Needs


This program has helped me to grow professionally and it has definitely increased my visibility in the company as a result. I have gained more clarity and confidence as to how to manage difficult situations, which as you know from our original call was something I was nervous about. The practical advice, and tools you have provided have had an impact on me and my team. I could not have asked for better training. 

"I have gained more clarity and confidence as to how to manage difficult situations."


I was blown away at the results. I now go home at a decent hour because I have a well-oiled machine of a team that is engaged and productive. Thanks to this program, I've been able to create systems for delegating, and 1:1's which has helped me to create accountability, rapport and high-performance. If you're considering joining the program just join. Mak dotted all her "i"s and crossed every "t" in this program and you can easily apply the frameworks she provides. I am truly grateful and you will be too.

"I'm happy to say that things have turned around after NMA."

- Stacy-Ann, Accounts Manager

She is a wonderful teacher and the sessions were practical, informative and interactive. My favourite part of the program was Mindset. It sounds so simple but in my opinion when you change the mind you allow for an inflow of new possibilities. I have gained A LOT of knowledge, insight and confidence. I can now get out there and work hard for and with my team! 

I really really REALLY enjoyed my time with Mak!

- Juliet, Systems Administrator Manager

on what I do well and not so well. Because of this I have a better understanding of my strengths and weakness and can more confidently approach difficult situations and conversations based on the frameworks provided throughout the various modules. NMA is most of all practical. There is no theory you can apply it immediately. I am confident because I know I'm an effective leader.

The program has helped me reflect 

- Maria, Operations Manager

She really helped me to step out of my comfort zone. The clarity I gained through this program helped me to define our goals, values and team culture which has elevated team performance. I now have an entire hiring and onboarding system and process that is in more alignment with the clarity and knowledge through NMA!

Working with Mak was fantastic!

- ciera v. Manager of Data & Curriculum

When I became a new manager, it was important to me that I receive training on setting expectations, setting boundaries, delegating etc., so that I can work well alongside and with my teammates. Since working with Mak, I have felt a sense of calm and confidence in my day-to-day. I am able to pause and slow down and put in the work to plan and prepare for my week. It has made a huge difference in my mental health as well as the way that I collaborate with my team mates. Additionally, I am committing in the new year to lead with a clarity is kindness mindset. This is crucial in our day-to-day operations as a team.

“The tools, templates, and resources she provides are extremely valuable. Also, the fact that the course resources are available as an asset to you for a lifetime makes joining the course an easy decision! 

- Gastine J, Operations Manager

“I wholeheartedly recommend participating in the NMA program. The invaluable real-life scenario experiences, support from Mak, and resources you acquire during the program will contribute significantly to your professional development." 

The most valuable aspect of attaining these results is gaining a heightened sense of confidence and access to a comprehensive array of resources and toolkits for reference. One of the program's highlights that I found particularly rewarding was the opportunity to learn and collaborate with fellow leaders in navigating shared challenges.


I found The New Manager Accelerator shortly after I became a first-time manger and after taking the program I have gained a whole lot of confidence in myself that I can be successful in this role. Being a manager is always something I aspired to but when the opportunity presented itself, I was a little scared. I didn't feel like a charismatic strong leader. But this program gave me the confidence, practical tools and strategies I could apply immediately that completely transformed my department. Couldn't have asked for a better experience!

"This program gave me the confidence, practical tools and strategies I could apply immediately that transformed my department"


I had been having a lot of anxiety preparing for my first day back at work from a leave of absence along with transitioning from employee to manger.

I'm so glad I decided to get help when I saw an email from Mak about The New Manager Accelerator. My outlook has changed about leadership and management in general and I now have confidence to lead my team. And I am able to navigate my way through difficult conversations. To anyone that’s thinking about joining the program truly it’s like Nike says “just do it!” It’ll be the best decision that you make for not only yourself personally and professionally, but your team and the company you work for.

"Before working with Mak I was struggling with figuring out who I was going to be as a new manager."

- Elizabeth k, program manager & spiritual empowerment coach 

I feel empowered, inspired, and supported. It has been great being able to take advantage of being poured into especially since I am often the one doing the pouring out! So these past weeks have truly helped me find my voice and that it is ok to say no and or clarify when taking on multiple tasks to ask what current task may be allocated to someone else or out in pause until a later time. If you're sitting on the fence about joining the program, I'd say: What are you waiting for? DO IT & thank me later. But in all honesty, if you are already in a position of leadership and or striving to become a great leader, a training as such, you can not afford to miss out!

"After working with Mak I can truly say my confidence as a leader has increased. I have learned so much about myself personally and professionally!" 

I joined Mak's programme at the right time: just as I was promoted and I did not want to leave anything to chance. I wanted to be successful in my role, for myself, the team and organisation I am working for.

The New Manager Accelarator Programme provided me with guidance, reassurance and confidence in my role as a Manager. I felt very much a part of a support group led by Mak and it meant a lot to have that sounding board, safe space to talk things through and receive guidance, support, direction. 

My confidence has grown immensely and few months later down the line, my team has been expanded and I have been trusted with new, extra responsibilities.

Do challenge yourself and join if your desire is to grow, evolve, learn from others. It will accelarate your progress and secure your success. One can learn by trial and error but if you are serious about being successful, progressing, being the best you can be, winning the trust, confidence of your team, your seniors, then this programme is for you!

- Blanka S. Operations manager 

“Thanks to NMA I'm now a manager of a much larger team. I do believe that this expansion is a direct result of my work with Mak.” 

Wondering what it takes to go from feeling unconfident, overwhelmed and impostery to confident, calm and excited to show up at work each day? I created this microcast to break it all down for you - We'll explore how to delegate with confidence, navigate those tricky conversations (even for introverts!), and finally stop relying on Google to do your job.

How to Become an Effective Leader So You Can Build a High Performance Team