Hi, I'm Mak. I'm a leadership coach for new managers who knows what it's like to be filled with overwhelm, self-doubt and terror that I’d let everyone down. My Story
Learn how to delegate with confidence, navigate those tricky conversations (even for introverts!), and finally stop relying on Google to do your job.
No but really. This is the kinda content that’s actually healthy to binge. In fact, you become more of an awesomesauce manager with every video you watch.
Did you know that companies with engaged employees see 233% greater customer loyalty AND 26% greater annual revenue?!
These crazy stats show that there are plenty of benefits to having an energized team!
Energized + motivated employees pay off.
In this video we’ll be diving into 5 important ways that you can keep your team motivated as well as a tool that you can use to help you keep the level of engagement high. Check it out HERE.
Here are 5 tips to help you keep your team motivated and engaged:
Now to be clear, I’m not saying that if you hire the right people that you can abdicate your role of doing everything else I’m going to discuss today.
Rockstar employees need to be shown appreciation and love too. What I’m talking about is hiring people that have the right attitude and values.
Remember skills can always be taught but attitude cannot so look for people that align with your values. People who are self starters, who are reliable, people you don’t have to chase down to get things done.
Take a good hard look at your hiring practices and ensure that you are hiring for the right reasons, always remembering that attitude matters more than skill.
As humans we are wired in such a way that we are constantly questioning whether or not we belong.
When we walk into a room we have never entered before our brain is assessing whether or not we belong. Whether that’s a meeting, party or the grocery store (okay maybe not the grocery store) we are always scanning to see if the people around us share the same values or if we will be accepted.
When we feel as though we belong or in other words safe, that’s when we let down the guard and collaboration and problem solving are at it’s very best.
This is why it’s extremely important that we as leaders create an environment where people can feel as though they are part of the team and the operation.
There was a Linkedin study that was done not too long ago that actually dove into some of the main factors that help team members to feel as though they belong.
You can read the full article HERE.
When you walk by someone and say hi how are you, and they say fine – but they don’t actually look fine, don’t just walk away.
Ask them if there is anything they want to talk about what’s worrying them.
Sometimes a lack of motivation has nothing to do with the work itself.
Life is tough and we are all going through things. The moment that you take to show you notice can make a world dof a difference.
And if you don’t have time to initiate a conversation at that exact moment, then make a note to circle back when you can.
Show your team mates you actually care.
Did you know that 79% of people who quit their jobs cite a lack of appreciation as a reason?
Ken Blanchard, a business author says that the last time most people have received applause was at their high school graduation! High school graduation?
That is most definitely not enough for something that we all are in need of.
People want to know that they are doing a good job and they want to feel appreciated for the work that they do.
Appreciation can come in so many different forms from a note to something monetary. It really is up to you.
Always remember that sincere commendation goes a long way.
“An employees motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his or her manager” – Bob Nelson
With that in mind, it’s safe to say that it is extremely important that you are making it an aim to not just have regular interactions but meaningful interactions with your team members.
One powerful way to do this is with your one-on-one meetings.
One-on-one meetings are an incredible way of fostering relationships, coaching and mentoring.
It is literally sacred time between you and your team member that is building the trust between the two of you as well as their engagement level at the end of the day.
Another way to increase these interactions is through meaningful team meetings. Where you are able to assemble the entire team and connect with them on a level that fosters collaboration.
Of course this kind of connection needs to be intentionally planned otherwise it is easily forgotten and falls under the radar of deadlines and day to day tasks.
This is why within my signature program, The New Manager Accelerator, I have an entire module dedicated to relationship building and two lessons that break down the structure and process for an effective one-on-one meeting and team huddle.
For more information about The New Manager Accelerator program, check out the details HERE
May 5, 2020