Get the training you need to become a confident, respected leader.


No more Googling “how to handle difficult conversations” or reading books full of inspiring but - let’s be honest - useless theory on effective management tactics. With a proven framework, personalized feedback and a supportive environment to practice what you’re learning, I’m here to help you develop the skills, mindset and tools it takes to actually BE an effective manager.

You have the potential to make a difference. And I’m here to show you how to achieve it. Even if you feel like a fraud or that you’ve already screwed up so badly you can’t recover.

Because while you might not believe it right now, you were chosen for a reason. 

It simply means you haven’t been given the training and support system you need to succeed. You know – the support you thought you’d be provided when you got the position but never actually appeared?

And in case you’re wondering, no, feeling out of your depth doesn't mean you’re unqualified or undeserving of this role.

It’s pretty dang hard to lead your team to success when you have no idea what you’re doing.


- NATALYE, Manager of Behavioural Health

I was at a crossroads, wondering if I should just go back to being the individual contributor because I felt like I would give and give, and I wasn’t getting the result or making the impact with my team that I wanted. [After NMA] I have a lot more confidence in myself. I used to internalize criticism but now I learn from it because you helped me see what’s useful and what to put aside. Your course really helped me set more of a foundation as far as boundaries so I have work life balance.

"I felt like, do I even want to be a leader? Is it for me?"

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For companies with at least 2 managers, our tailored in-house training allows your team to implement our Elevate Team Performance™ framework within the context of your organization, helping them understand your vision, take ownership of their roles, effectively accomplish goals, improve culture + communication, and be better equipped to lead confidently through inevitable challenges + change.

Training for Your Management Team


If you’re a new or soon-to-be manager, our signature program, The New Manager Accelerator, is for you. With a mix of self-paced training, live coaching, practical tools, personalized feedback and even role-play sessions to action what you’re learning, over 12 weeks you’ll develop the skills, confidence and decision making ability required to excel as a manager and develop your own authentic leadership style.

Group Coaching Program for New Managers

I like to keep things simple, so there are 2 main ways we can work together. If neither of these sound quite right or you’re not sure what you need, reach out directly and we can take it from there.

Looking for leadership training?



And as someone who (spoiler alert!) eventually overcame those struggles and became a confident leader who scaled a 4-person team into a 25-person department, created a team culture that brought the best out in everyone, and whose leadership decisions became recognized throughout the entire company… I’m here to tell you that you have the potential to do the same. 

I’ve made it my mission to create the resources, training and support I *wish* were available to me when I was a new manager so you can speed up the process of becoming an impactful manager – and actually get to enjoy the journey!

But rewind the clock and you’d find me freshly promoted into my first management position… immediately filled with overwhelm, self-doubt and terror that I’d let everyone down.

In other words, I know exactly what it’s like to be in over your head trying to navigate a role you feel completely unqualified for. To spend your days Googling for answers, second-guessing every decision and imagining the horrible things people are probably saying about you.

Today I’m a leadership coach for new managers and THE founder of The Impactful Leader -

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Mak.

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Before NMA, I was suffering with so many interruptions in my day and a lack of drive with my team which showed up in the work they were producing. It caused me a lot of stress. I'm happy to say that things have turned around after NMA. I was blown away at the results. I now go home at a decent hour because I have a well-oiled machine of a team that is engaged and productive. I've been able to create systems for delegating, and 1:1's which has helped me to create accountability, rapport and high-performance. Mak dotted all her i's and crossed every t in this program and you can easily apply the frameworks she provides. I’m truly grateful and you will be too.

"I have a well-oiled machine of a team"


I found The New Manager Accelerator shortly after I became a first-time manager and after taking the program I have gained a whole lot of confidence in myself that I can be successful in this role. Being a manager is always something I aspired to but when the opportunity presented itself, I was a little scared. I didn't feel like a charismatic strong leader. This program gave me the confidence, practical tools and strategies I could apply immediately that transformed my department.

"Transformed my department"

- julie, manager

I found The New Manager Accelerator shortly after I became a first-time manger and after taking the program I have gained a whole lot of confidence in myself that I can be successful in this role. Being a manager is always something I aspired to but when the opportunity presented itself, I was a little scared. I didn't feel like a charismatic strong leader. But this program gave me the confidence, practical tools and strategies I could apply immediately that completely transformed my department. Couldn't have asked for a better experience!

“This program gave me the confidence, practical tools and strategies I could apply immediately that transformed my department"

How to Lead Difficult Conversations

What I Wish I Knew Starting Out as a Manager

Signs of a Bad Manager

No but really. This is the kinda content that’s actually healthy to binge. In fact, you become more of an awesomesauce manager with every video you watch. Don’t believe us? Check out some of our most popular eps below.

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